Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Dying ain't much of a living boy

Well ... Well, I'm being told that to get people to actually read this thing I need to post regularly. Its just finding time to post lately has been ... Well difficult. ( that says nothing of the fact I might aught to offer something worth reading )
My life has been rather consumed of late, by my work and my family. Any one who thinks that being your own boss means that you get to go home early and take off when you like, has never owned their own business ( or probably wasn't very successful at it )
At any rate, my parent's house is still in disarray from the flood and is taking a lot of attention. Yes their fixing it ... But also looking for a place on higher ground. My own house is suffering from inattention and my wife is probably going to put me out of my misery soon if I don't get some projects finished around here.
Any way I just finished some take home work and here I am on the computer at 2:00 am.
Ok, got to admit, this sounds like whining so I'll change the tune.

On one of my few couch potato moments I happened to see a program on glaciers. It was on the discovery channel or history or one of the other "educational" cable channels and I kept hearing how global warming was causing the glaciers to shrink and these ice shelves in Antarctica to shear off and fall in the ocean. The scientists wanted to study this phenomenon and find out what effect WE are having on the environment by causing the global warming that's causing all this stuff to happen. Just me I guess, but I also heard them say that these things have been going on for hundreds of years....?
So we have been polluting and using Chloroflurocarbons for hundreds of years?
I guess those cowboys and their hairspray or those high polluti'n covered wagons sure were tearing up our ozone even back then!
If you just watch closely you'll see the slant. Things just don't add up.
They have found green house gases hundreds of feet down in ice cores too! So I guess we can blame those damn dinosaurs for the last ice age. ( them and their SUVs )
Just once I would like to have a scientists explain how the Chlorine in Freon got up to the ozone layer? You see, CFCs are 5 to 8 times heaver than air. ( Newton had that one figured out without government money )
Guess I'm just sick of the scare tactics and the real pollution spewing out of the media and the bunny huggers mouths>