Monday, December 27, 2004

Still Alive

No, contrary to the rumors, I am not dead, nor am I in a Turkish prison. I have, though been preoccupied with the whole Christmas thing and have had my daughter with me for the holidays. No excuse I’m sure; but that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.
Actually, the daughter thing is a blessing, and having her has been fun. See, my wife Liz (yes for those who don’t know I also got married to my long time girlfriend since the last post) and I have 4 children between us, and while the normal 3 are a handful, four are the equivalent of a force 5 hurricane. Just to add to the party Liz’s Grandmother (93yrs old and more lucid than I) has been temporarily displaced and has moved in with us. I’m not griping, family members in need are never an inconvenience but it does change your daily routine.
Needless to say my life has been … well … hectic of late.
My blog site has suffered for it. And so to my loyal, if not some what perturbed fans, my deepest apologies.

On to current events, my sympathies go out to the people caught up in the tsunamis in Asia. Mother Nature is a royal b*%$! She tends to remind us from time to time that no matter how big we build and how smart we become, we are still as fragile as tissue in her grasp (wet tissue at that). Aid is now pouring into the region, and I just hope it goes to the people that need it.
I don’t begrudge people (in need) getting help, but I do sometimes wonder where the international aid was when our coastlines in Florida were getting hammered. It’s been a rough year world over.

Osama Bin Laden is back in the news. Apparently he has released another tape from his cave. He is calling for a boycott of the infidel elections in Iraq. He also endorsed Abu-Musab al-Zarqawi as his deputy in Iraq, praising him for his attempts to thwart the American (read “infidel”) efforts in that region. Please, for God’s Sake, will some one please collect the bounty on these idiots? We really need to arrange a meeting between these guys and Allah (before he places them in the elevator going down).

Not to forget our U.N. buddies, who keep telling us that the U.S. is conducting an occupation of Iraq and that we are conducting the elections all wrong.
Hey, dunderheads we are not conducting the elections …. The Iraqis are.
In fact, the Iraqi council is planning, and conducting the Iraqi election, making their own rules; even some rules against American suggestions. You see America is determined to allow them to rule themselves, and give freedom a chance. We are not the corrupt, self serving, leaches you are. Truth is you guys are still sore that we screwed you out of your “oil for torture” cash cow, and have caught you with your proverbial hands in the cookie jar. Mr. Annan, you and your son are going down, hard. Resign while you’re ahead.

Friday, December 03, 2004


Hello to all my fabulous readers. I’m sure the multitudes are waiting for my next blog. There’s only one problem … blogers block. Yes friends and neighbors the Big Fat Redneck can’t think of a single thing to write about. Take a picture with your freakin cell phone cause I’m just speechless.
Maybe it’s because of the stress, maybe it’s because my parents didn’t play classical music while I was in the womb, maybe it was those damn Dr Seuss books, I don’t know but quit possibly for the first time in my life I really don’t have anything to rant about tonight.
It’s not that I don’t have plenty of things to be angry about; or that the news wouldn’t produce plenty of rantings. It’s more that… well… I really don’t care to watch the news tonight.

I will however point you to a great blog site (for those of you who don’t already frequent his site) the Great Kyle, evil genius, lawyer, fellow conservative, and also my cousin has been banging away at his keyboard again and has some note worthy postings. (Also some great links). Go to where you will find his wisdom.

And for me BLAH!