Sunday, September 04, 2005

Mad Mark Beyond the Blogosphere

Well, finally something has struck a nerve, something strong enough to drag me back to the computer. Needless to say it has been a while since I’ve bloged, excuses? Well I’ve been really busy with my company ( an owner never sleeps ) and there really hasn’t been anything lately that just had that kick in the gut feeling to it, to force me to write.
(Ok… there was the Cindy Sheehan thing but others have taken up the cause and I’ll get to that later)

It started with the hurricane and the MMS’s response; gee let’s blame the federal government! While watching the “never ending coverage” I couldn’t help but turn to CNN (Communist News Network) during the commercials. It never fails to amaze me the blatant slant they manage to add to their stories. The reporter was asking some very leading questions of one of the refugees, and she just wasn’t getting the answers she wanted. She would ask him, was he frustrated that the Astrodome was closed to him and his family. And he would say that he was grateful to be on dry ground. So she asked what he was going to do now that he had no home and nowhere to go. His answer was that he was just thankful that his family was together and that they were no longer at the Superdome. So the reporter was getting frustrated she wasn’t getting the “right” answer and just said something to the effect of: Aren’t you disgusted with the fact that most of the rescue efforts and money are coming from the private sector and not the federal government, and aren’t you mad that President Bush doesn’t care about the refugees? (Ok, not her exact words but ya’ll saw this garbage… didn’t you?)

Then we’ve got the Mayor of New Orleans throwing a fit and yelling that Bush and the federal government are not doing anything to help them. Hello… If were going to start blaming folks, where the hell was your city’s evacuation plan? You sure made it out ok, loudmouth. Why were your city’s dyke systems only engineered to withstand a Category 3 storm? Why weren’t all the pumps properly maintained? Why aren’t you taking any of the blame, instead of using the “head in the sand” defense, or the “lets blame Bush” defense? You, sir get the Flaming A-hole Award, for being a royal “pain in the butt”.

Ok so you ask “why are you so mad? Mark”. This is for anyone who feels like nothing is being done. Have you ever been to a sporting event? Maybe a concert or a place like Six Flags? Did you sit in you car for an hour trying to get out of the parking lot? (Ok this might take a little imagination) Let’s say there was an emergency right smack in the middle of the parking lot as everyone is trying to get out. Let’s say there is an ambulance trying to get to the hurt people at this emergency. Now just for fun lets add a big storm, not just a thunderstorm but add extra high winds, (high enough that light poles ,electric poles and trees are blown down in the only road in) some collapsed bridges and flood the road. How long do you think it’ll take? Oh yeah, the only ambulance left working in the area (due to the storm destroying all the other ambulances and the hospitals) is over a hundred miles away. Are you starting to get the picture? Reality is let’s multiply this situation by several hundred times. Its thousands of people hurt several thousand people in our proverbial parking lot and we’re trying to move thousands of vehicles in with several thousand tons of equipment and supplies. See the logistical problems? No?
On top of this let’s remember the idiots and thugs shooting at innocents, the rescue workers and each other.
It’s an astronomical sized mess, people, there is a huge rescue effort in place, but it is going to take time! A long time!
Blaming the ambulance company is not productive. In fact if your there trying to get your story, busy blaming everyone, filming people washing away and NOT HELPING THEM because that would mean putting down your camera YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM!

PS. For all the people who lost family and/or friends, homes, jobs or property my heart and prayers go out to you. May God give you the strength to go on, and to rebuild your lives.
For those of you who choose to loot for personal gain, shoot at rescue teems and cause additional pain and grief to those who are trying to survive, I hope that you haven’t had a chance to breed yet and that you get what’s coming to you.


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