Thursday, October 28, 2004

Just Getting Started

Well I just started bloging so here's a few thoughts.
Is any one else tired of the lies?

Yeah, I'm voting for Bush, and I’m tired of the, “I’ll say anything to get elected” garbage spewing out of the opposition. Come on like anyone really believes Sen. Kerry, or the media these days for that matter.
But here we are down to the wire, and what I worry about is how the sheep will be voting.

The vote is not a privilege people, it’s an obligation. Not just to cast a vote, but to make an intelligent choice.
The heroes of this Great Nation gave there lives to allow free speech.
And then, people (that’s being kind) of the caliber of Michael Moore use that right to make quasi-documentaries of pure fiction and try to pass it off as hard facts.
So to all those that believe our brave men and women went to war for oil, and are so incompetent they just “lost” 300 or so tons of explosives. If you believe that the Sadam Husseins of this world can be sanctioned into being good.
You need to pull the sugar tit out of your mouth and move in to reality.

If unable to comprehend, please just do me a favor and expedite your trip into extinction.
Stupid People Should Not Breed!


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